In 2004 Stuart saw a demand for direct “at source” extraction and hence AtSource was born. He knows when ordinary ventilation is sufficient and when extraction is needed at the source. Nobody likes wearing masks, they’re hot, they’re stifling, they give workers a rash, there are now better ways! The flexibility of Nederman products and solutions mean they can easily be placed just wherever they’re needed. Direct at-source extraction of dust and fumes at the point of emission is a widely recognised and best method of eliminating airborne contaminants from the workplace.
What we do
Dust collection

We are the ‘SAFE’ choice for dust collection, we have THE LARGEST range of dust collectors, specialising in combustible dusts and proper, engineered solutions.
- Industry and sector standards compliant ATEX certified and NFPA compliant
- Proper engineered solution
- International reputation, wide range of dust collector products and high quality.
Welding fume extraction

The particles in welding fume are small enough to be suspended in the air for a long time. They can be inhaled and penetrate into the innermost area of the lungs. Over time, the particles can even reach the bloodstream. Fume from MMA and FCAW welding usually contains significant quantities of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI). This is important to observe because hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) has a very low exposure limit. There are also risks due to the presence of manganese, nickel and other elements.
Soldering fume extraction

‘Working with rosin-based solder fluxes requires you to take action. You should take appropriate steps to pre-vent, control or reduce exposure to fumes, as they can cause serious health problems, including occupational asthma or other serious illness with symptoms of cough-ing, wheezing, runny eyes or nose, tight chest, etc’ – cited from HSE Solder fume health and safety guide
Lab exhaust extraction

Effective local exhaust ventilation system can carry away airborne contaminants before they can be breathed in to protect personnel health and safety.
Vehicle exhaust extraction

Vehicle exhaust fumes can irritate the eyes and respiratory tract, and are a risk to health by breathing in. Carbon-fuelled engine fumes contain carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas. Pro-longed exposure to diesel fumes, especially blue or black smoke, may lead to coughing and breathlessness. Long-term repeated exposure to diesel fumes over a period of about 20 years may increase the risk of lung cancer.
Fire engine exhaust extraction

Fire men and women protect communities and they should be protected well in term of diesel engine exhaust exposure. A lot of reports out-line harm of long term diesel engine exhaust exposure.
Dentistry aerosol extraction

We provide mist or aerosol extraction from dental processes.
Transmission of infection or disease during aerosol generating processes such as high speed drilling has been an increasing concern to the dental profession. The reason is the risk of direct contact with saliva or blood, contact with contaminated instruments or surfaces that have been improperly sterilized, or respiratory fluids that may become aerosols during operative dentistry.
Air NZ

We are continually assisting AirNZ Engineering facilities around the country with dust and fume extraction solutions. From Non-Destructive testing processes, aircraft spot repairs, light and heavy maintenance applications and safe handling of combustible dusts including aluminium, carbon, titanium and many more
Fire and Emergency NZ

We are the leading supplier of all exhaust fume management solutions for fire stations across New Zealand and the Pacific. We have Nederman automatic diesel exhaust fume extractors in hundreds of fire stations. Being installed in both existing and new facilities
NZ Defence Force

We have a wide range of dust and fume removal solutions across the Defence Forces, from small laboratory fume capture to welding fume extraction to exhaust fume removal from the largest military vehicles and their support machines. We’re proud to support those who protect us.
University of Auckland

We’re proud to supply a wide range of dust and fume extraction solutions to UoA and many other tertiary institutions. Hundreds of laboratory Fume arms, fans for standard and corrosive fume applications, dust collection, filters and vehicle exhaust fume removal from workshop, testing and dyno facilities
Douglas Pharmaceuticals

Pleased to be selected to supply a range of laboratory and production dust and fume extraction arms, fans and filters. Safe handling of all dust and fume for several pharmaceutical and animal health companies with development and manufacturing processes
Pre-Studies and Planning
We can visit and assess your facility or application, discuss requirements and gather information to progress to Design.
We offer a fast turnaround and a professional proposal using Nedermans NEDQuote program. Our experienced engineers can efficiently produce a guaranteed design to meet your timeline. Making your job easy.
We use our experience together with NEDQuote to select and recommend the most suitable products and solutions for your application. We offer user friendly and practical solutions.
From NEDQuote, we can list out & schedule all required components, making your job as simple as possible. This includes duct, pipe and fittings and all products and any recommended accessories. This can be supported with technical leaflets and data sheets for all products.
We hold the largest range of dust and fume extraction products in New Zealand. Nederman has a large manufacturing and distribution network meaning if we don’t have it in stock, we can source it quickly and efficiently. We are the direct importers and supply to a large number of mechanical contractors and wholesalers. We also supply direct to end users from our warehouses in both Auckland and Christchurch
We have our own installation staff and contract teams to implement any project big or small. All installations monitored to ensure a high standard of quality and meeting customer expectations.
We have the experience and testing equipment at hand to all equipment is installed and performing as intended and required.
We offer, and can tailor full product and system training – to ensure you get full benefit from your equipment and system
We have systems and registers in place to support and track your assets over their lifecycle, ensuring they operate and perform optimally. Service personnel regularly travel all over the country performing annual service and maintenance programs for many of our key clients.