AtSource August Update
AtSource August Update
Old Nederman welding fume extraction system to be upgraded
AtSource installed a welding fume extraction system for a customer in Auckland 4 years ago. Recently we were asked to inspect this system to move and reinstall it to a different place in their factory. The old system is still running well.
AtSource invited to 22 Degrees Lunch & Learn event
AtSource were invited as a respected local exhaust ventilation specialist to attend 22 Degrees Lunch & Learn in-house workshop yesterday, 26 May 2021.
AtSource at Safety 360 Leaders show 2021
AtSource recently exhibited at Safety 360, where we had the opportunity to meet industry leaders and professionals, and also our customers.
Dentist Aerosol extraction
Dentists -we have safe options for working with aerosols
Why is correct venting design and implementation important?
This week we cover a case study of a sawdust and wood chip storage silo explosion, where insufficient venting resulted in a firefighter fatality.